Thanks for the Gift of Life!!

Creations of the heart are blooming like flowers in the field.

The wonders of nature are entwined everywhere.

My spirit overflows. Footprints of the piper are sealed

In the pristine dunes while the echo of the wind

Unfolds whispering melodies.

Dreamland begins to roam freely...

Hear me coming as I go.

I am the wind, the trip into the mist, the sea...

Hear the echo of voices, the heartbeats of waves crushing

On the sand, as I leave my footprints on the land.

Hear the roaring thunder, for my crying is just a reminder.

Please, let the world be and set them all free!!



Monday, October 11, 2010

"The Lord's unconditional love."

"The Lord`s unconditional love."
Unfolding the love of our Lord,
Like a rose petal, so pure, so fine,
I can feel His touch in my life,
All His love that is all mine.
I was once, on a death row.
Jesus pulled me out from doom
And gave me another chance to live.
Life is certainly too short!!...
So I dream and live.
I love the Lord, our Savior!!
He gives me time to share, and love to give.
My bluish dreams, I expose,
Like unfolding a rose.
I'll be the queen of hearts.
So I'll transform this world
In endless full bloom of arts.
The haze -once- covered the sky
Like a big white wall.
The misty day got transformed
Into a dreadful storm.
The curtain of heartless rain
Penetrated to the windows.
I watched the view in awe,
Looking puzzled to the rainfall.
So, right then in prayers, the Lord I called...
I live one day at the time.
I use my freedom, for the hours are all mine.
This is the way I have survived.
God set a plan for me long ago.
This is how He has kept me alive.
I call the Lord in prayers, so all my foes go...
Glory!! Glory!! Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!
Dear Readers,
I am trying to separate my poem in different stanzas, yet the blog does not let me do it, and I do not know why. Therefore, it all comes up as a whole block of words. I do not compose poems like that. I always separate each verse, each stanza with a line or two in between, so that my message would come up much clearer.
If you wish to visit a wonderful American Patriotic Christian Website with outstanding VIDEO-POEMS and CHRISTIAN SONGS, you may visit the site at anytime. American Poets and Writers have dedicated thousands of hours in creating their inspirational site. I got the honor to participate with some of my poetry. It's all free for you to enjoy its beauty and wisdom. I'll include the link to a great INSPIRATIONAL WEBSITE...
Please, CLICK in this Link:
Thank you in advance for visiting!!
God bless you all!!