An Overseas Tale...
"The Mateos Horses" of Buenos Aires, Argentina, are part of the Childhood Memories of all carriers, and older folks -like us. These wonderful Carriages of Plaza, whose 'stop' is the Gate of the Zoo opposite Plaza Italia, were the dream (and remains) of all children visiting the Zoo, Rural, or Gardens of Palermo. Amazingly, they still exist today. I propose a Tour in these Carriages starting from Plaza Italia, continuing the tour by Libertador, Casares, Figueroa Alcorta, Sarmiento, Infanta Isabel.... The carriage driver may leave us in the Rosedal, where we will pay a visit to Historical Gardens.... My father used to take me there with a Horse Carriage Ride -when I was a little girl before going to the ZOO. These Memories make me CRY... The Zoo is no longer there in Plaza Italia.
Greetings from Starry.