Thanks for the Gift of Life!!

Creations of the heart are blooming like flowers in the field.

The wonders of nature are entwined everywhere.

My spirit overflows. Footprints of the piper are sealed

In the pristine dunes while the echo of the wind

Unfolds whispering melodies.

Dreamland begins to roam freely...

Hear me coming as I go.

I am the wind, the trip into the mist, the sea...

Hear the echo of voices, the heartbeats of waves crushing

On the sand, as I leave my footprints on the land.

Hear the roaring thunder, for my crying is just a reminder.

Please, let the world be and set them all free!!



Monday, June 8, 2009



Let us pray!!...
Dear Heavenly Father and Lord:

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Your name,
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on Earth,
As it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom,
The Power and the Glory,
Forever and ever. AMEN.

There is a wise English Proverb that says: "Birds of feather, flock together."
Let us find a quiet moment with the Lord, and say our personal prayers...

Dear Lord,

We thank You for this brand new day and for all the blessings that You grant to us.
As we renew and refresh our souls in this brand new day, please, teach us a true Brotherhood, a sincere togetherness that, we may tread with a humble heart in daily good positive thoughts and good deeds. Please, lead us and help us with the God´s spirit of wisdom to be present within us in all circumstances. Give us a brave heart and the courage, sweet Lord, to fight all evil greed in this world with eternal love, compassion and a true Brotherhood of mankind in all storms of life. Some people feel abused in their human rights, hound, besieged and harassed by wicked evil ones, as if they were their vulnerable prey. Many are still struggling. Please, dear Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior, put a hedge of protection around us, the helmet and belt of truth and righteousness, and bind all evil against us. Please, give us Your strength and peace that pass all understanding, and the way You and only You alone can give. We desperately need Your help, Lord. God´s will be done in all circumstances, and we are submitting to His will. We trust You, Father with all our hearts. Thank You for everything that You have done for us!! We indeed, feel Your unconditional love embracing our lives with Your loving arms. We serve an awesome God!!
In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, our precious Lord and Savior, we pray. AMEN.

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